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STICKERS: a unique exhibition in Tokyo

Like any leading capital of the world, Tokyo is the host of a dynamic vivid street scene. For several decades, artists from different generations and horizons express their identities by marking public spaces. This creative movement regularly conflicts with local authorities seeking order and uniformity, and with a traditional Japanese approach to the Arts and manner of expression.

In December 2023, Night Out Gallery will host a unique and first-of-its-kind exhibition about the Stickers subculture, gathering artists from Japan and abroad. Not looking to be the solution to a difficult equation, we believe that this exhibition will educate visitors about the intentions of sticker artists, enlighten amateurs about the values of this community, and initiate civilised discussions about the directions this movement should take.

Venue: Night Out Gallery (Aoyama Taiyo Building #301, 3-42-7 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, 150-0001 Tokyo, Japan)
Dates: Sat. 09-DEC-2023 through Sat. 23-DEC-2023
An opening reception will be held on Sat. 09-DEC-2023, from 6pm.
Exhibition updates: please follow the Instagram accounts @tokyowalls and @stickers_go_around_the_world


Artists from Japan and abroad are welcome to participate in the exhibition, agreeing with the following terms:
– The artist must send 10+ stickers of various designs (avoiding large sizes) by postal directly to Night Out Gallery. The organisers reserve the right to discard designs that are deemed offensive to the public.
– The stickers provided are considered donations and cannot be recovered. While part of the exhibition will be sold to support the exhibition costs, no financial royalties will be provided to participants. Note: stickers will never be sold individually.
– The artists consent for the organisers to use the stickers designs for the purpose of advertising the exhibition and for publishing a book about the event.

DEADLINE: The stickers must be received by 01-DEC-2023 to be included in the exhibition.

We do our best to keep every participants updated with the good reception of their stickers. If you have not received a confirmation, please contact us.
For any questions or remarks, please contact us by email or by direct message via the Instagram account @tokyowalls



2023年12月、Night Out Gallery は、国内外のアーティストを集め、ステッカーズ・サブカルチャーに関するユニークで初のエキシビジョンを開催する。この展覧会は、難解な方程式の解決策ではなく、来場者にステッカーアーティストの意図を伝え、ステッカーを作り始めたアーチスト達にこのコミュニティの価値観を啓発し、このムーブメントが進むべき方向性について文明的な議論を始めるきっかけになると信じています。

会場: Night Out Gallery (〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前3-42-7 青山太洋ビル 301)
日程: 2023年12月9日(土)から23日(土)まで. オープニング・レセプションは12月9日(土)午後6時より。


– アーティストは、様々なデザインのステッカーを10枚以上(大きいサイズは避ける)、ナイトアウトギャラリーまで直接郵送してください。主催者は、公序良俗に反すると思われるデザインを破棄する権利を有します。
– 提供されたステッカーは寄付とみなされ、回収することはできません。展覧会の一部を来場者に販売し、展覧会の費用を支援しますが、参加者に金銭的なロイヤリティが提供されることはありません。注意:ステッカーを個別に販売されることはありません。
– アーティストは、主催者がエキシビジョンの宣伝およびエキシビジョンに関する本の出版を目的として、ステッカーのデザインを使用することに同意する。

締め切り: エキシビジョンに出品されるステッカーは2023年12月1日必着です。



The following artists participated in the exhibition / 参加アーティスト

32 @font.font.font
¿ha visto a este gato? @havistoaestegato
0115 @0115_records
14BOLT @fourteenbolt
1dirlust @1dirlust
1n54n3 @1n54n3_79
1STRAWBERRY @1strawberryontop
33wallflower33 @33wallflower33
3Gatos Press @tresgatospress
48K @_48.K_
5toker @5toker
7ksh @7kshmsto
A2HD @ahhdart
ADESIVÂNDALOS @adesivandalos
Affirmative Youth @affirmativeyouth
After Vandalism
Agent5smith @agent5smith
Ager @ager_design
Ahol Sniffs Glue @aholsniffsglue
aiBon @bon_sava
AKPUSHA @ak.pusha
Alien Keyes @alienkeyes
ALTN EYE @altn_eye
Andy @adk_andy
ANTINOME @ant1n0me_clothing
APPROXIMA @approxiwa
ArtificialArt @artificialart
Atanenhaus @atanenhaus
Atomik @atomiko
Azek @azekone
Azuki @_azuki_767
Badly Drawn Creatures @badlydrawncreatures
Baillie Conway @binkitup
BAJO @bajo_osb
Bakos @bakosbarakos
Bar LasVegas @barlasvegas2010
BARON @baron_phl
BB Queen @bb.qu.ee.n
Be Free
Belowkey @belowkey
Bentoghoul @bentoghoul
BENZILLA @benzilla__
BEST DRUG @bestdrug8
Beta Machs @betamachs
Betwoski @b3twosky._
Big Bad Snaw @bigbadsnaw
Bklyndodger55 @bklyndodger55
BLAB @eyesblesss
Blackheart_TCF @blackheart.boy
Blondie 68 @leighlee68
Blood Bath
Boo @boostayskruel
BRAINFART @brainfart_comics
BrassKnuckleCrew @brassknucklecrew___
Bricedu @bricedu_
Brot_one @b_rotone
Bruho @bruho.to
BST Psicologa @bst.psicoterapia
BURY @the_real_bury
Bus Mobbers @imstillhere85
C SoM @__csom__
C.O.N @relative_sanity
Cadman @cadman_83
camo @camo_stickertrades
caotic.1 @caotic.1
Carcajada @carcajada.society
Cartoon Car @cartooncarslaps
CASPERINC @casper_caspernic
Cassicobra @cassicobra
Catchoo @lovecatchoo
Central Elements @centralelements
Chakakonvict @chakakonvict
Chapman Tse @chapman.tse
CHEERUP @cheerupofficial
Chevalley Pierre @chevalley.p
Chilly Willy’s Igloo @cwi_fb
CHN 666 @chaino.chn
Chris Dokebi @chris_dokebi
Chris RWK @chrisrwk
Christopher Priority @christopher_priority
Cielo @__c.e.l.o__
Cinderella Bones @cinderellabones
City Kitty @citykittystreet
CLUMZYE @clumzye
COCO @howtobelov3d
Cod€ $truktur @codestruktur
Cola Aqui! Stick Here! @colaaquistickhere
Conor Your Honor @conoryourhonor
Conrad Square @conradsquare
COSGASO @cosgaso
CRASTY @crastythecrown
Create & Destroy
Creeper @font.font.font
Crisvice & 30192 @ignaciopandolfa
CROAK @croakerone
CROSK @crosker.one
Culkeeen @culkeeen
CYCLOP @maksafes
czee13art @czee13art
Dapse On Tour @dapseontour
Dark @itsdarkinsideandout
Darso @darso_o_dars
Dave (The Dtore) @the_dtore
dead_by_it @dead_by_it
Deadcell84 @deadcell84
deadredpdx @deadredpdx/
DECK @deck_slap
Des Apuntar @desapuntar
Deux Zirp @deuxzirp
DEXTH @dexthskull
DFace @dface_official
Diabolical Rabbit @diabolical_rabbit
Diabolical Robot Art @diabolicalrobotart_d.r.a
Dibujitos de Mabel @losdibujitosdemabel
DINO STYLE @dinostylebook
Disconchi @disconchi.discootoko
DJ Gumba @djgumba
Dope @_art_jane
Dorene Ellen Ireland @iamdorene
DPC @xdpcx
DREIECK @dreieck.dreieck
Drew @og_drewone
DRINK @plzgivemesomecoffee
Dronex @dronex
Drops de Ódio @dropsdeodio
Easy Tiger @company_easy
EATING PEOPLE @eating.people
EBK @ebk.arte
Eddie Corona @eddie_corona_artist
Eduard Dinič @eduard_dinic
ek @ekdalh
El jungle
EL TORO @eltoro215
Elijah Ryder @elijah_ryder_music
EMPIRE CTZN @empr_ctzns
Enochnox @enochnox
ENTEI @erasentei
ERST22 @3rst22
ESCAPA @3scapaaa_
esm @esmartificial
Eye Gnome @eyegnome
FamilyTeeth @familyteeth
Fancy Cloud @fancycloudfriends
FeierBörd @feierbord
Festival de Colantes @festivaldecolantes
Fictional Supervillain @fictionalsupervillain
fierce unleashed @fierce_unleashed
FLEMART @flemart.streets
Flor76 @Flor76frankfurt
Flying Förtress @flyingfortress5410
Forma @funkyformaggino
FOSH @forshurr
FOUK @con_tekst
Francisco Gomez @fgome616
FreeVirus @freevirusone
FROZ5 @froz5travel
Frvncis @frvncis.66
FSKL @fiskalsinvocales
FUCKING NEO TYO @fuckingneotyo
Fuki Committee @fukicommittee
Fuxundschalter @fuxundschalter
Gage Coleman @subject0mega
GARDE @006garde
Gatitos Mensajeros @gatitosmensajeros
GEAK @payaso_triste_95
Gerardo Delacruz @el_grabador
GHOST @el_ghostar
GingerGunshot @gingergunshot
GK @5t1gk
Glass Cuisine @glass_cuisine
Gloomy Maiden @gloomy_maiden
Gloopy Goblin @gloopy_goblin
GLUE SQUAD @gluesquad
Goo Goo @artlife_pdx
Good Luck Buddha @goodluckbuddha
grapekush713 @grapekush713/
GreatBoxers @greatboxers
Greyballs Wolfmonkey @greyballswolfmonkey
GRUBS @grubsinthecity
GRW82 @greatt_whyte
GUSTO @gustonyc
GUT.18 @gut.18
Haevi @haevi_styles
HALLOKARLO @hallokarlo_
Hans-Peter Schütt @thisisxtralife
Hass Dub @hassdub_industries
HÄXAN @haxanslaps
Headhache @he4d4che
Henka 24k @henkaone
HENTAI HERO @henta1_hero
Hentitan @hentitan47
Hesher Park @hesherpark
Hilo (Dog Brain) @dog_brain
HIROTTON @hirotton
Hit the Hermes @hit_the_hermes
Hoop Of Spiders @hoopofspiders
HOPE KUN @where_is_hopekun
Hopem Story @hopemstory
I Heart U Sticker @iheartusticker
I will not Art @iwillnot
INDECLINE @thisisindecline
Inkiostros @inkiostros
IRUKA KUN @iruka_no_iruka_kun
IT’S A LIVING @itsaliving
IV•VI•III @iv.vi.iii
J.E. Sembar @jesembarart
JA @ja_swbf_slap_
JAHMONE @fan_jah_stick
Jamingus @jamingus_
Jason Undead @jasonundead
JEDI @jedi.lovejoy
Jeff Cinco @jeffcinco
JEIN @jein.art
Jelly Slonut @jellyslonut
Jenkins2d @jenkins2d
Jeremy Yamamura @jeremy_yamamura
Jesse Jesser @jesserwk
Jesse Warner @warnerjesse
Jim Tozzi @jimtozzi
JimmyGranti @jimmygranti
John Onefour Six @the_one_four_six
JOHN125 @john125_al
Joiny @joiny_streetart
JonJonLives @jonjonlives
jorisinfanti @jorisinfanti
Jose Carcavilla @jcarcavilla
JUM JUM @jumjum
junkie ru @junkie_ru
Just One Raccoon @Justoneraccoon
K-CHORRO @k_chorro_11
Ka Kui @ceramickakui
KABEKUI @mushinoshirase
KALI @k421666
Kally Crown @kallycrown
KAMO @kmo7em_fly42
KAPUT @krazeebee
KARI_JU @kariagui07
KAWAII FITMENT. @kawaii_fitment
KEYZ @k_e_y_z_1
KGE @kge_club
Khh @tiny_khh
KID KURA @kid_kura
KillEd @killedkompound
KIM @aka__kim
King RID @king_rid
KitaKits @kitakits1
KNIVESOUTZ @knivesoutz
koile_kamikaze @koile_kamikaze
Kotaro Yamada @kotaro___yamada
KURRY @srb.oo
KZ @kz_bom99
L O E Z @lo.easy
L’Atlas @Latlas_art
L00K @mynameisl00k
LA LAURA PARIS @lalauraparis
Lalo Graffiti @LaloStickers
LaRon Emcee @laronemceeart
Laurent Molet @laurentmolet
LAZUS @nsz._.lazus2
le kachalo @le_kachalo
Le_Marke @le_marke
LeafBulb @leaf.bulb
Lembo @lemboart
Leo Caste @casteleonardo
LEROY @_ler_oy_
Life Is Fintastic @lifeisfintastic
LIRA @notliraa
Lissa Corinne @LissaCorinne_art
Looking at the city @looking_at_the_city
Louis Brunet @louisbrunet_art
Lounis @eppendorfs_finest
Love Feel Best @lovefeelsbest
Lücky Gnomë @luckygnomechicago
Luigi Luuranko @luigiluuranko
Luisa Cruz @emopositivo
Luiz F. @luiz_fuja
Luke Da Duke @__lukedaduke__
Lulz @pinchelulz
Lum @luma__o__
LUNARR VISION @lunarrvision_official
MACROS @macroism1
Magenta @magentagarance
magiK @maaaaagik_
Mai Nagamoto @mai_nagamoto
maita64 @maruartist.maita64
Makers Space @makers__space
MANDO DTLA @mando.dtla
MANOCHUECA @manochueca
Manuva @_manuva
Many Tapes @manytapes_
Marc de Jong @marc_de_jong
Marc Kuegle @marcusorelious
Markant @o0_markant_0o
marxone @marxone
MASAGON @hellomasagon
masic @masic_010
Mauô @foimauo
Maus 86ed @maus86ed
MCA @mcaevildesign
MDKR @guille.mdkr
MéMé @les_stickers_meme
MENTV @turro.mvntico
MERDE @ovsyanka_q_
MESS @roberto.cuando
MetalPRO @metal.pro
Michael Change @chngrus63
Minerocks @minerocks1
Minou @minouart
MODISTTT @modisttt
mokoyo.robo @mokoyo.robo
MOLODO @pon_molodo
Monster Dan @monsterdan74
Montross Zero @montrosszero
MOO @collection_moo
Moon Empress @moon_empress._
Mortardesign @mortardesign
MOST @mostindustries
Mostly Usually @mostly._usually
Mr Popcorn @mrpopcornparis
Mr. Bob @officialmr.bob
Mr. Nice Shice @mr_nice_shice
Mr. Rules
MrDaiki @mrdaiki21
MSR Tokyo @msrtokyo
Much @aka.much
Muchacho Navaja @muchacho.navaja
MUEBON @mue_bon
Muerta @muertapdx
Mumblejinx @mumblejinx
MUNZTRZinPDX @munztrzinpdx
Nana Motoyoshi @nanamotoyoshi7
NEKO @neko_le_vandale
Nekobaba @nekobabakmkm
Nelson Fleim @nelson_fleim
NESCONES @nescones
Neutral Victor @eu.psy.ki
Nicky Nailed It. @nickynailedit
NiiKO @@niiko_illust
Nite Owl @naito_oru
NIX @nixe.dmg
NMFP @nmfp
Noise Cat Seven @noisecat7
Noizy @noizybutpurple
Nomadé @nomadestreetart
NonLinearRadioWaves @nonlinearradiowaves
NOSE @nose_graff
Nosui @nosui
Not Pinky @not.pinky
Nox in Sticker @noxinsticker
NOZ @slapheads2525
Nuki @noretesaldestino
NVZBL @nvzbl.la
OBK Crew @obk1312
OIMRT @oh.i.am.arty
OJO_TEVE @ojo_teve
OMI @mamane.omi
ORAL_STAGE @oral_stage.tokyo
OSAKA89 @osaka8915
Osmoze @osmoze_art
OVEK @ovek62
P LUST @p_lust
p3n6u1n147 @p3n6u1n147
Padrepedro @__padrepedro
PAINTER CAT @paintercat_rexy
Pawgitwa @pawgitwa
Peca Salazar Faúndez @pecasalazar
PESTE @peste.nmv
Peter Woodford Smith @2020pws
Phi1b @phi1b
Pig Vicious @pig.vicious
PITY @the_fool_pity
PIVA Crew @pivacrew
PNB @post_no_bills_00
Pnulo Planshet @pnulo.planshet
POKO @247poko
POKU POLKA @pokupolka
PØNK @ponk_stencilart
Ponny @ponny.ssj
PORCELAIN @mr_porcelain
POWER @power_stickers_
Pozt @pozt.137
Primerdome @primerdome
Prize Pony @prizeponyau
Pro Heroes 015 @proheroes015
Propaganda Project @propaganda_project
PRR$ @prrsart
Psyco @psycozrcs
Pufs @ahreeee
Puttfarken @putt.farken
PWR studio @pwr_studio_tokyo
Queen Of Wynwood @queenofwynwood
R!Q @riqstagram51
Rab Dauber @rabdauber
Rachel D’Amico Nardelli @r.damic_o
RAKUGAKI MONKEY @rakugaki monkey
Ramborame @ramborame
randy_dmd @randy_dmd
Raphael @rafa_l_stickers
Raw Inc.Intl @raw_inc
RAWR @rawr_that_shit
RBN MTNT @rbnmtnt
RCREW22 @rcrew.22
Re Howse @rehowsearts
RebelArt @rebelartdesign
regelverkett @regelverkett/
Reise @reiseone35
Remand @slappaddict
REMIO @rrremio
RENKYORK @renkayork.design
Rentner @rentnersticker
Reve @ever.____
RIOX @riox_.__
Riq.interventions @riq.interventions
RISE @liebezurfarbe.rise
Rock Tee @willar666
Ronny Oner @onersigns
Rosk Rosk @ostinyahel
RUINAS @al_abiismo
Rx Skulls @rxskulls
Ryuichi Ohira @ryuichiooohira
RYZE @ryzestencil
s333 @_s.3.3.3_
SACAX @inready_sacax
Sally was here @eldiaquemeodies
Sanchez McGrath @sanchez_mcgrath
sanguii @sanguii
Sanne Van Wanzeele @sanne_van_wanzeele
Sarah 19 @sarah19.graffiti
Sariego @sariego.tattoo
SAVS @savso_the_champ
SAW @sawdust_sandwich_
SCam @scam_ilustra
SEO MIJI @seomiji
Shallow Lagoon @shallowlagoon
SHAMAN @Shaman1494
Sharpy @shrpy_
She.Posse @she.posse
Shiho Motozono @shihomotozono
shitai SHT @shitai._
Shojono Tomo @shojonotomo
SIRO KRKN @sirokrkn
Sit @sit_sticker
Sit sticker art @sit_sticker
SK @snapkrackart
SKAM @skamsticker
SKIZZO @el_skizzo
skrimcore @skrimcore
Skull Cap @skullcapper
Sladgekonjak @sladgekonjak
SLAP @slaptags.ms_gsb
SLAV @mustartplus
Sleepisfamous @sleepisfamous
SM1TH9 @_sm1th9_
snes_sega @snes_sega
SNOUK @snouk_graffter
SOFIA @sofiaphilosofia
SOLO @sol0ner
Someta @someta_gallery
SPÄM @spaemspaem
Speak Low 21 @speak_low21
Spia @_spia_
ssosva @ssosva
stak420 @stak420/
STANDARD 574 @standard_is_my_mate
Stay Kruel @cheezitsuchiha_
Stay Vegan, Stay Hungry. @stayveganstayhungry
STBN @steban__sb
STEK @stekstreetart
Stela @streetartine
Stelleconfuse @stelleconfuse
Steve ESPO Powers @steveespopowers
Steve The Bum @stevethebum
Stick @stickoneshot
Sticker Movie @stickermovie
Sticker Wars @stickerwars
StickerBombTheTrap @stickerbombthetrap/
StickerThief @stickerthief_vlc
Stompdown Killaz @stompdownkillaz
STR @str_in.the.street
Street Fame @street_fame_online
Suda Hinako @dochirademoiiyo
SWANK @swankbotanicaltea
SYPA @sypa.grvl
T.A.C.I.M. @tacim_collective
Tamm Shinzo @tamm_shinzo
TERP @terpstreetart
THASSS’RIGHT!!!! @thasssrightlikethat
The Chosen Few @tcf_thechosenfew
The Clay Universe @theclayuniverse
THE DESECHABLE @thedesagradable
The Figurehead Experiment @the_figurehead_experiment
The London Police @thelondonpolice
The Martians @the_martians
The Underground Armada @theundergroundarmada
The Unividuals @theunividuals
THINK. @think.jp
this is not new york @thisisnotnewyork
thrash the creator @thrash_the_creator
Tiktoy @tik_toy
Tim Robot @timrobot
Tito Blanco @senortitoblanco
Titwolf @titwolf_titwolf_titwolf
TKS @tks_adversity
Toastoro @t0a5t0r0
TOBALQLO @pwroctmm
tokidesigner @tokidesigner
Tommy Armgdn @tommy_armgdn
TONИY @baywatch310
TOPHER @topher_artwork
TOPO @takethetopo
Toxic-floxic @fuck1ng.flower
TRI ONE @_tri_one
TRIXY @trixidou
Trnzmtr @trnzmtr
TSMOKE @tsmoke_tcf
Tuby @tuby_ldn
Tw0tb @Tw0tb
Tweet @tweet_streetart
Ty Pro @trp613
UNDCPLND @undcplnd
United States of the Art @unitedsota
Unsaneart @Unsane Art
USER @user_ale_
̶V̶̶A̶̶G̶̶R̶̶N̶̶T̶ @low__priority
VALDA @valda_gump
VALE @_vale_ilustra
VANDALISM INK @vandalism-ink
VEGAN DIET @timdiet | @matthewbajda
Veggiesomething @veggiesomething
Vermin @vermin.mcr
Vida Looka @vidalookaoficial
Vinny Raffa @raffavinny
Violetasticker @violetasticker
VISION @vision86
VLOT @vlotboardbag
Voxx Romana @voxxromana
WAS @wasoneart
WESP @wesp_2vk
WHITE TRASH @w.trashh
WHUPS @_whups
wiin @wiinmlml
WOOF @woofy.one
WUTO @wutoism
XAVI @xaviii.rr
XZ-ONE @xz_one
Yamamoto Shigetomo @monstergirl_kinoko
YAYA @youralrightyouare
Yeka Haski @yekahaski
YESS yess-art.de
YOCONORI @ycnri_gmc
YORSY @xiorsix
Ž.F.L @elastichna
ZEALONER 983 @zeal1er
ZELDA BOMBA @zeldabomba
ZERO @zzzero.one
ZIG @scrupulous_skateboard_art/
ZIPGUN @zipgunforlife
ZleepDeep @zleepDeep
ZMOP @mf_zmop
ZOAR @zoarone
ZOBE @zobeeboz
Zombie Art Squad @zombieartsquad2
ZORBERONE @zorberone
ZROPRO @zeroproductivity
Zuko75 @zuko_75
いいね たかゆき @iine_kun_y116
かわい主義 @cutiekittism
令和女学院 @reiwa_jogakuin